
Unai Emery's first job as Arsenal manager is to make two players sign new contracts Free UPDATED

"We leave create a untested present and a new future day for Arsenal."

Account was successful on Wednesday morning as Unai Emery was announced as the new manager of Arsenal, replacing the great Arsene Wenger.

Emery, who achieved the quadruple at Paris Saint-Germain lastly season and is a serial winner, has been tasked with guiding the Gunners into a new era.

Merely it's non going to be easy. Change is needed at Arsenal and fans are hoping Emery is the man to breathe new life into the club.

Luckily, the Spaniard is under no legerdemain that managing Armoury will be a stroll in the park and is determined to succeed.

"IT's a big gainsay for ME, but I have worked also in other projects, big projects," he explained. "For me, I am conceited to be here and to wreak afterward Arsene Wenger.

"Our objective is to be among the best teams in Europe, to win titles and to be in the elite of European teams.


"I also deficiency the squad to make the fans proud. I know they are already and I wish them to be even more indeed."

Emery is for sure saying all the right things, but actions speak louder than words and the take exception begins with this summer's transfer window.


Arsenal are in need of an overhaul in all senses of the word, from selling deadwood, to making new signings and tying current players down to spic-and-span contracts.

So what's the priority for Emery? Fortunate, according to the Eventide Standard, the 46-year-darkened's first job A Arsenal manager has been ready-made clear to him.

Securing the futures of Labourer Wilshere and Aaron Ramsey is first happening the agenda, with Ivan Gazidis, Sven Mislintat and Raul Sanllehi - the trio who hired Emery - keen to get to work at talks.

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Emery is reportedly content with Arsenal's latest squad so his plan of action begins with convincing Wilshere and Ramsey to commit.

However, when asked about Wilshere's future in particular, the ex-Seville chief dodged the question and insisted along speaking nigh the squad's upcoming as a undivided.

"I want today to speak about the team up globally," Emery replied. "I Don't want to talk about individual players now. This team is big [in footing of quality], big players, good players.

"We call up we need to switch a little [in terms of players]. Today I want to work. I deficiency to speak globally for the squad."

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Unai Emery's first job as Arsenal manager is to make two players sign new contracts Free UPDATED

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